Wednesday, 3 April 2013

10 Reasons that Ofsted is Bad for your Child

This is from Caroline, a colleague of mine:  After her experience educating parents about what OFSTED really are, she has put together a list of ten things she would like to tell every parent.  Please circulate it amongst your friends who have children, so that they can begin to know the truth.

10 reasons why OFSTED is bad for your child

1. OFSTED causes stress and unnecessary workload for your child's teachers which could cause them to leave the profession.

2. Your School is so worried about OFSTED inspections that they are forced to give your child  a narrow and unfulfilling educational experience.

3. Your child's Teacher lives in constant fear and wastes a lot of their time planning for the dreaded inspection.

4. Your school will be judged based on data that is inaccurate and deeply flawed.

5. Your child may not be able to go on a  school trip this year or do an exciting new project  as your school will spend 1000s of pounds on consultants and  mocksteds in the hope of passing inspections.

6. All the important things that your teacher will do with your child will go completely unnoticed by OFSTED.

7. OFSTED does not help raise standards of your child's school the people who really care and have a deep understanding about your child's learning are their teachers.

8.OFSTED constantly change the goal posts so by last years OFSTED criteria  your child's teacher may have been outstanding this year however its just a good who knows what will happen next?

9. OFSTED will make a judgement of your school even before they step through  the school gates.

10. Your child's school may be judged by people who may be unqualified teachers, haven't taught for years or even failing ex head teachers .

All credit to Caroline for bravely telling the truth.   I will forward any comments to her.

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